emotional and personality development
the self:
-self-understanding increase by describe themselves in more psychological traits. recognize social aspects of the self.
-understanding others: perspective taking(ability to assume other people's perspective and understand their thoughts and feelings.
-self-esteem:self-worth or self-image
-self-concept: domain-specific evaluation of the self-academic, athletic, appearance, and so on.
-self-efficacy: belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes. "I can."
-self-regulation: deliberate efforts to manage one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts, leading to increased social competence and achievement.
-industry vs inferiority: industry mean children become interested in how things are made and how they work.
emotional development:
-developmental changes:
1) improved emotional understanding
2)ability to suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions
3)the use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings
4)a capacity for genuine empathy
-coping with stress: using cognitive coping strategies.
1)reassure children of their safety and security
2)retell the event and listen
3)encourage them talk about any disturbing or confusing feelings
4)protect children from reexposure to frightening situations and reminders of the trauma
5)help them make sense of what happened.
moral development:
-piaget's stage: autonomy morality (know that rules and laws are created by people, changeable depend on the situation)
-kohlberg's theory:
1)preconventional level: stage 1 heteronomous morality (moral thinking is tied to punishment), stage 2 individualism, purpose, and exchange (individuals reason that pursuing their own interests is the right thing to do but they let others do the same.
2)conventional level: stage 3 mutual interpersonal (value trust, caring, and loyalty to others. often adopt their parent's moral standards), stage 4 social system morality (moral judgments are based on understanding the social order, law, justice, and duty.)
3)postconventional reasoning: stage 5 social contract or utility and individual (reason that values, rights, and principles undergird also or transcend the law), stage 6 universal human rights (develop moral standard based on human rights)
-kohlberg's critics:
1) moral thought and moral behavior
2) culture and moral reasoning
3) families and moral development
4) gender and the care perspective
5) social conventional reasoning
-Prosocial behavior:
-moral personality:
-gender stereotypes:
-gender similarities and differences:
1)physical development
2)cognitive development
3)socioemotional development
4)gender-role classification
(to be continue)