
Life Span--- Middle and Late Childhood

physical changes and health(do not covered because not important)

Children with Disabilities
-learning disabilities: children who has difficulty in learning- 1)understanding and using spoken or writing language 2)difficult in listening, thinking, reading, writing, and spelling 3)difficulty in doing math 4)dyslexia, mental retardation, emotional disorder.

-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): 1)inattention 2)hyperactivity 3)impulsivity

-Autism spectrum disorder: Autistic disorder(自闭症). Mild autism name Asperger syndrome(轻微自闭症)

cognitive changes

-Piaget's cognitive developmental theory: 7-11yrs old.
       1)reason logically
       2)imagination-reversible mental action applied to real.
       3)ability to classify or divide things into different set or subsets and to consider the interrelationships
       4)seriation: ordering stimuli along a quantitative dimension such as length
       5)transitivity: ability to logically combine relations to understand certain  certain conclusion

-information processing
              *knowledge and expertise (extensive knowledge about a particular content area, influence what they notice and how they organize, represent, and interpret information).
              *strategies:mental imagery and elaboration (way to learning and remembering information, require effort)
              *Fuzzy trace theory: verbatim memory trace(precise details of the information) and gist(central idea of the information)

              *critical thinking: reflectively, productively, and evaluating evidence. analyze, infer, connect, synthesize, criticize, create, evaluate, think and rethink.
              *creative thinking: convergent thinking(produce one correct answer) and divergent thinking(produce many answer for one question). brainstorming,don't over control, build children confidence.
              *scientific thinking: questions about reality and seek answers  to problems. aim at identifying causal relations.

       1)ability to solve problem and adapt and learn from experiences.
       2)types of intelligence: Sternberg's Triachic Theory- analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence (improtant worr....) Gardner's eight frames of mind- verbal, mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist.

-interpreting difference in IQ Scores (not important)

-extremes of intelligence: mental retardation(迟钝) and Giftedness(恩赐)

Language development
-vocabulary, grammar, and metalinguistic awareness
       1)mental vocabulary is organized- if u ask "dog", child may answer "cat" and "bird" which in group "animal". about 40000 words. metalinguistic awareness

       1)whole-language approach: based on the idea that instruction should parallel children's natural language learning. Reading materials should be whole and meaningful.
       2)phonic approach: the idea that reading instruction should teach the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.

-bilingualism and second-language learning

