
Life Span--- Early Childhood (Socioemotional)

Emotional and Personality Development

the self:
-Erikson: initiative vs guilt
       1)self understanding: self-recognition/self-description with physical traits(size, shape, color) at 2-4 of ages, psychological traits (nice, warm, charm) at 4-7 of ages
       2)understanding others: 4-7 of ages. they might say:" my teacher is nice" to show their understanding toward others. understanding that people may make statements that aren't true to obtain what they want or to avoid trouble(当弄坏东西过后,他们都会说:不是我弄的,是……)

emotional development:
       1)self-conscious emotion: refer to themselves and be aware of themselves as distinct from others (prime, shame, embarrassment, and guilt).2-4yrs old child will use more emotional terms to describe themselve; 4-7yrs will be more describe others. parent play an important role in developing children emotion: Emotion-coaching (view children's negative emotion as apportunity for teaching) and Emotion-dismissing parent(ignoring, rejecting, denying children negative emotion).

moral develepment: involve thoughts, feelings, and actions regarding rules and regulations about what people should do in their interaction with others.
       2)piaget's moral reasoning: heteronomous(rules and regulations is unchangable, belief that if break rules then will get punishment) and autonomous(belief that rules and regulations are created by people, changable very situation and time)
       3)moral behaviour: processes of reinforment, punishment and imitation.
       4)conscience(良知): an internal regulation of standards of right and wrong that involves an itergration of moral thought, feeling, and action.
       5)parent influences: through the quality of parent-child relationship, being proactive in helping children avert misbehaviour, and by engaging children in conversational dialogue abpout moral issues.

gender:social and psychological dimensions of being male or female.gender identity:sets of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, and feel.
       1)biological influence: heridity
       2)-social influence: social role theory, psychoanalytic theory of gender, social cognitive theory of gender
          -parental influences: mothers' socialization strategies and fathers' socialization strategies.
          -peer influence: gender composition of children's group, group size, and interaction in same-sex groups
       3)cognitive influences: gender schema theory


-Baumrind's parenting styles
       1)authoritarian: parent exhort the child to follow their directions and to respect work and effort (封建家族/控制)
       2)authoritative: parents encourage their children to be independent but still place limits and controls on their action(西式家族/自由)
       3)neglectful: parent is very uninvolved in the child's life(过度自由家族/泛滥)
       4)indulgent: parent are highly involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them (现代家族/溺爱)

-punishment:corporal (physical/体罚) punishment has been considered a neccessary and even desirable method of disciplining children (spanking)
      1) will lead to lower level of moral internalization and mental health
      2) children will imitate parent's corparal punishment behavior and will lead to agressive and out-of-control behavior
      3) punishment instill fear, rage, or avoidance...
      4)心里会不甘愿,会喊说:“why don;t you try this out?!”
      5) punish will become abusive...

child maltreatment:place child at risk for academic, emotional, and social problems.
-types of child maltreatment:
       1)physical abuse(体罚)
       2)child neglect(忽略)
       3)sexual abuse(性虐待)
       4)emotianal abuse(精神虐待)

-development consequences of abuse: poor emotion regulation, attachment problems, problem in peer relations, difficulty in adapting to school, and other psychological problems such as depression and delinquency (拖欠). way to reduce: homevisitation and improve maternal-infant attachment.

sibling relationship and birth order:
-sibling interaction with each other in positive and negative ways.
-birth order related with personality development. eg, firstborns are more adult-oriented and self-controlled but have more guilt, axiety, and difficult coping with stress; only child often are achievement-oriented.

changing family in a changing society:
-working parent
-divorce arent
-homosexual parent

peer relations,play and television

peer relations:
-good peer relations can be necessary for normal socioemotion development.
-special concern focus on children withdrawn and aggressive. withdrawn(抽离): rejected by peers and may feel lonely and lead to depression. aggressive: lead to delinquency and dropping out of school.

play: very important to children to master anxieties and conflicts, cope with life problems.
-play can work off excess physical energy, to release pent-up tensions, work off frustrations, able to analyze child's conflict and way of coping with them.
-type of play: sensorimotor play, practice play, pretense/symbolic play, social play, constructive play

television( didn't covered because come out in last sem)

