心情还是很down 吗?
Baby are you down down down down down?
Dowwwnnnnnn, Dowwwnnnnn..........
Even if the sky if falling down,
Life Span Development
Short notes have been written by Ah Hee (Prince Bake Cake) *Claps Claps*
I have combined the notes, according to early childhood and middle&late childhood.
Here are the links or you can search according to the blog lists.
Early Childhood (Physical and Cognitive)
Early Childhood (Socioemotional)
Middle and late childhood (Physical and Cognitive)
Middle and late childhood (Socioemotional)
GOOD LUCK in your exam.
Either to FIGHT or to GIVE UP is on your hand.
Everyone stands a chance to score.
I have combined the notes, according to early childhood and middle&late childhood.
Here are the links or you can search according to the blog lists.
Early Childhood (Physical and Cognitive)
Early Childhood (Socioemotional)
Middle and late childhood (Physical and Cognitive)
Middle and late childhood (Socioemotional)
GOOD LUCK in your exam.
Either to FIGHT or to GIVE UP is on your hand.
Everyone stands a chance to score.
Life Span--- Middle and Late Childhood (Socioemotional)
emotional and personality development
the self:
-self-understanding increase by describe themselves in more psychological traits. recognize social aspects of the self.
-understanding others: perspective taking(ability to assume other people's perspective and understand their thoughts and feelings.
-self-esteem:self-worth or self-image
-self-concept: domain-specific evaluation of the self-academic, athletic, appearance, and so on.
-self-efficacy: belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes. "I can."
-self-regulation: deliberate efforts to manage one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts, leading to increased social competence and achievement.
-industry vs inferiority: industry mean children become interested in how things are made and how they work.
emotional development:
-developmental changes:
1) improved emotional understanding
2)ability to suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions
3)the use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings
4)a capacity for genuine empathy
-coping with stress: using cognitive coping strategies.
1)reassure children of their safety and security
2)retell the event and listen
3)encourage them talk about any disturbing or confusing feelings
4)protect children from reexposure to frightening situations and reminders of the trauma
5)help them make sense of what happened.
moral development:
-piaget's stage: autonomy morality (know that rules and laws are created by people, changeable depend on the situation)
-kohlberg's theory:
1)preconventional level: stage 1 heteronomous morality (moral thinking is tied to punishment), stage 2 individualism, purpose, and exchange (individuals reason that pursuing their own interests is the right thing to do but they let others do the same.
2)conventional level: stage 3 mutual interpersonal (value trust, caring, and loyalty to others. often adopt their parent's moral standards), stage 4 social system morality (moral judgments are based on understanding the social order, law, justice, and duty.)
3)postconventional reasoning: stage 5 social contract or utility and individual (reason that values, rights, and principles undergird also or transcend the law), stage 6 universal human rights (develop moral standard based on human rights)
-kohlberg's critics:
1) moral thought and moral behavior
2) culture and moral reasoning
3) families and moral development
4) gender and the care perspective
5) social conventional reasoning
-Prosocial behavior:
-moral personality:
-gender stereotypes:
-gender similarities and differences:
1)physical development
2)cognitive development
3)socioemotional development
4)gender-role classification
(to be continue)
Life Span--- Middle and Late Childhood
physical changes and health(do not covered because not important)
Children with Disabilities
-learning disabilities: children who has difficulty in learning- 1)understanding and using spoken or writing language 2)difficult in listening, thinking, reading, writing, and spelling 3)difficulty in doing math 4)dyslexia, mental retardation, emotional disorder.
-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): 1)inattention 2)hyperactivity 3)impulsivity
-Autism spectrum disorder: Autistic disorder(自闭症). Mild autism name Asperger syndrome(轻微自闭症)
cognitive changes
-Piaget's cognitive developmental theory: 7-11yrs old.
1)reason logically
2)imagination-reversible mental action applied to real.
3)ability to classify or divide things into different set or subsets and to consider the interrelationships
4)seriation: ordering stimuli along a quantitative dimension such as length
5)transitivity: ability to logically combine relations to understand certain certain conclusion
-information processing
*knowledge and expertise (extensive knowledge about a particular content area, influence what they notice and how they organize, represent, and interpret information).
*strategies:mental imagery and elaboration (way to learning and remembering information, require effort)
*Fuzzy trace theory: verbatim memory trace(precise details of the information) and gist(central idea of the information)
*critical thinking: reflectively, productively, and evaluating evidence. analyze, infer, connect, synthesize, criticize, create, evaluate, think and rethink.
*creative thinking: convergent thinking(produce one correct answer) and divergent thinking(produce many answer for one question). brainstorming,don't over control, build children confidence.
*scientific thinking: questions about reality and seek answers to problems. aim at identifying causal relations.
1)ability to solve problem and adapt and learn from experiences.
2)types of intelligence: Sternberg's Triachic Theory- analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence (improtant worr....) Gardner's eight frames of mind- verbal, mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist.
-interpreting difference in IQ Scores (not important)
-extremes of intelligence: mental retardation(迟钝) and Giftedness(恩赐)
Language development
-vocabulary, grammar, and metalinguistic awareness
1)mental vocabulary is organized- if u ask "dog", child may answer "cat" and "bird" which in group "animal". about 40000 words. metalinguistic awareness
1)whole-language approach: based on the idea that instruction should parallel children's natural language learning. Reading materials should be whole and meaningful.
2)phonic approach: the idea that reading instruction should teach the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.
-bilingualism and second-language learning
Life Span--- Early Childhood (Socioemotional)
Emotional and Personality Development
the self:
-Erikson: initiative vs guilt
1)self understanding: self-recognition/self-description with physical traits(size, shape, color) at 2-4 of ages, psychological traits (nice, warm, charm) at 4-7 of ages
2)understanding others: 4-7 of ages. they might say:" my teacher is nice" to show their understanding toward others. understanding that people may make statements that aren't true to obtain what they want or to avoid trouble(当弄坏东西过后,他们都会说:不是我弄的,是……)
emotional development:
1)self-conscious emotion: refer to themselves and be aware of themselves as distinct from others (prime, shame, embarrassment, and guilt).2-4yrs old child will use more emotional terms to describe themselve; 4-7yrs will be more describe others. parent play an important role in developing children emotion: Emotion-coaching (view children's negative emotion as apportunity for teaching) and Emotion-dismissing parent(ignoring, rejecting, denying children negative emotion).
moral develepment: involve thoughts, feelings, and actions regarding rules and regulations about what people should do in their interaction with others.
2)piaget's moral reasoning: heteronomous(rules and regulations is unchangable, belief that if break rules then will get punishment) and autonomous(belief that rules and regulations are created by people, changable very situation and time)
3)moral behaviour: processes of reinforment, punishment and imitation.
4)conscience(良知): an internal regulation of standards of right and wrong that involves an itergration of moral thought, feeling, and action.
5)parent influences: through the quality of parent-child relationship, being proactive in helping children avert misbehaviour, and by engaging children in conversational dialogue abpout moral issues.
gender:social and psychological dimensions of being male or female.gender identity:sets of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, and feel.
1)biological influence: heridity
2)-social influence: social role theory, psychoanalytic theory of gender, social cognitive theory of gender
-parental influences: mothers' socialization strategies and fathers' socialization strategies.
-peer influence: gender composition of children's group, group size, and interaction in same-sex groups
3)cognitive influences: gender schema theory
-Baumrind's parenting styles
1)authoritarian: parent exhort the child to follow their directions and to respect work and effort (封建家族/控制)
2)authoritative: parents encourage their children to be independent but still place limits and controls on their action(西式家族/自由)
3)neglectful: parent is very uninvolved in the child's life(过度自由家族/泛滥)
4)indulgent: parent are highly involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them (现代家族/溺爱)
-punishment:corporal (physical/体罚) punishment has been considered a neccessary and even desirable method of disciplining children (spanking)
1) will lead to lower level of moral internalization and mental health
2) children will imitate parent's corparal punishment behavior and will lead to agressive and out-of-control behavior
3) punishment instill fear, rage, or avoidance...
4)心里会不甘愿,会喊说:“why don;t you try this out?!”
5) punish will become abusive...
child maltreatment:place child at risk for academic, emotional, and social problems.
-types of child maltreatment:
1)physical abuse(体罚)
2)child neglect(忽略)
3)sexual abuse(性虐待)
4)emotianal abuse(精神虐待)
-development consequences of abuse: poor emotion regulation, attachment problems, problem in peer relations, difficulty in adapting to school, and other psychological problems such as depression and delinquency (拖欠). way to reduce: homevisitation and improve maternal-infant attachment.
sibling relationship and birth order:
-sibling interaction with each other in positive and negative ways.
-birth order related with personality development. eg, firstborns are more adult-oriented and self-controlled but have more guilt, axiety, and difficult coping with stress; only child often are achievement-oriented.
changing family in a changing society:
-working parent
-divorce arent
-homosexual parent
peer relations,play and television
peer relations:
-good peer relations can be necessary for normal socioemotion development.
-special concern focus on children withdrawn and aggressive. withdrawn(抽离): rejected by peers and may feel lonely and lead to depression. aggressive: lead to delinquency and dropping out of school.
play: very important to children to master anxieties and conflicts, cope with life problems.
-play can work off excess physical energy, to release pent-up tensions, work off frustrations, able to analyze child's conflict and way of coping with them.
-type of play: sensorimotor play, practice play, pretense/symbolic play, social play, constructive play
television( didn't covered because come out in last sem)
Life Span--- Early Childhood
Physical Changes
1. body growth and change
Height and weight:
-grow 2.5 inches
-gain 5-7 pounds
-girl slightly higher than boy
-girl has more fatty tissue than boy
-boy has more muscle tissue than girl
-both boy and girl will slim down and head and body will be more propotional
-at age 3, brain is about 3/4 of adult size
-at age 6, it develop 95% of adult's brain size
-myelination increase. it will affect of increasing the speed and efficiency of information travelling through the nervous system. it also important in the development of a number of children's abilities.
2. Motor development
-gross motor skills: age 3, start to hopping, jumping, running banck and forth. age 4, same movement but more adventurous. age 5, more adventurous than age 4, enjoying races with each others and their parents.
-fine motor skills: age 3, pick up tiniest objects between thumb and forefinger. when play with a simple jigsaw puzzle, they rather rough in placing the pieces. they often try to force the piece in the hole or pat it vigorously. age 4, improved substantially and become much more precise. age 5, their hand, arm, and body all move together under better command of the eye.
3. Nutrition
-eating habits: what child eat affects sketetal growth, body shape and susceptibility to disease
-overweight young children: young children's eating behavior is strongly influenced by caregiver's behavior. distractions from TV, family arguement and competing activities should minimized.
-malnutrition in young children from low-income families
4. Illness and death
-caregiver unware of danger in many instance, often puts children in situations in which they are at risk for injuries.
-parental smoking: develop wheezing symptoms and asthma
-low income families: poor health status.
Cognitive change(text 217-231)
Piaget's preoperational stage:
-2-7yrs old
-children cannot yet perform operations, which are reversible mental actions, but they begin to represent the world with symbols,to form stable concepts and reason.
-two stages:symbolic function substage (2-4yrs old) & intuitive thought substage(4-7yrs old).
1)symbolic function substage: ability to mentally represent an object that is not present. but this limited by egocentrism(自我中心) and animism(万物有灵).
-egocentrism: inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else's perspective. eg, a children who thinks in a preoperational way cannot take the perspectiveof a person siting at another spot.
-animism: belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. eg. "that tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down."
2)intuitive though substage: use primitive(原始) reasoning and want to know all sorts of answer. but children seem so sure about their knowledge yet are unaware of how they know what they know. eg, 我从哪里来?
-centration and lack of conservation also characterize of preoperational stage.
1) centration: a centering of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others.
2) lack of conservation: awareness that altering an object's or substance's appearance does not change its basic properties.
Vygotsky's theory(社会学):
-emphasize on social constructivist approach to development.
-child use of language not only to communicate, but also to plan, guide and monitor their own behavior and to help them solve problem.
-ZPD(Zone of Proximal Development): range of tasks that are too difficult for children to master alone but can learn with guidance and assistance of adult or more-skilled children.
-Scaffolding(监护人/辅助): changing the level of support. when the student's competence increases, less guidance is given.
-language and thought: dialogue- private speech(自言自语), use for self-regulation and solving tasks. eg, when a child playing puzzle might say to herself: "which pieces should i put together first? i'll try those green ones first. now i need some blue ones. no, that blue one doesn't fit there. i'll try it over there."
Information processing:
-attention: focusing of mental resources on select information. salient vs relevant dimensions. planfulness.
1) executive attention involves action planning, allocating attention to goals, error detection and compensation, monitoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances.
2) sustained attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or other aspect of the environment.
-memory: central processing of cognitive development. short term memory vs long term memory.
-strategies and problem solving: young children usually don't use strategies to remember, but they can learn rather simple, goal-directed problem-solving.
-theory of mind: awareness of one's won mental processes and the mental processes of others.
1)false beliefs: beliefs that are not true.eg, 【Band-Aids Box】, 【The Sally and Anne False-Belief Task】, 【Ambiguos Line Drawing】
2)Autism(自闭症):difficulty in social interactions as well as repetitive behaviors or interests. poorly reasoning in false-belief tasks.
Laguange Development
understanding phonology and morphology:
-young children increase their grasp of language's rule systems (不再是crying, cooing, bambling).
-In term of phonology(音韵学) , they become more sensetive to the sounds of spoken language.
-morphology, they begin using the pural and possessive forms of nouns. eg, dog and dogs and dog's
changes in syntax and semantics:
-ordered of sentence(ruls of syntax). eg,infant的时候:“抱抱!” or “妈妈!”。child的时候:“我要妈妈抱抱。”
-semantics: vocabulrary development increase (around 14000 words)
advances in pragmatics:
-conversation skill improve
-more polite and adapt their speech in different settings
-change their speech style to suit the situation.
young children's literacy:
parents and teachers need to provide young children a supportive environment to help them in developing literacy skill.
Early Childhood Education(i won't be covered this chapter becoz no point in it XD)
ESS Tutorial 11
The Proportion of the World's Population Living in Urban and Rural Area in 1990 and the Forecast for 2025
Pie Chart 1990 World's Population
rural developing world 52%; rural developed world 6%; urban developing world 25%; urban developed world 17%
Pie Chart 2025 World's Population
rural developing world 13%; rural developed world 37%; urban developing world 46%; urban developed world 4%
Pie Chart 1990 World's Population
rural developing world 52%; rural developed world 6%; urban developing world 25%; urban developed world 17%
Pie Chart 2025 World's Population
rural developing world 13%; rural developed world 37%; urban developing world 46%; urban developed world 4%
The pie charts show the proportion of the world's population in urban and rural area in 1990 and the forecast for 2025.
More than half which was a significant 52% of the world's population live in rural developing area in 1990 followed by urban developing area, urban developed area and rural developed area with 25%, 17%, and 6% respectively. In 2025, 46% and 37% of the world's population will be reciting at urban developing and rural developed area respectively. The others will be living at rural developing and urban developed area with 13% and 4% respectively.
The rural developed area in 2025 was forecasted to be populated by more than 50% the population in 1990. The world most populated area, the rural developing area in 1990 was forecasted to experience drastic population decline to 13% in 2025. The population living at urban developing area in 2025 was predicted to increase to almost double the population in 1990. The urban developed area was predicted to be populated by only 4% of the world's population in 2025 compared to 17% in 1990.
The improvement in the health system in the rural developing countries may be the reason of them becoming rurul developed world as shown by the drastic movement. The lack of inflow of immigrants to the rural developing countries may be the main reason for the dramatic slump. The urban developing area may be dominating the world's production, hence, the increase in population. The urban developed countries such as countries from the U.S. and the Europes, may lost their scientific and technical supremacy for the benefit of developing countries. In urban developed countries, population are projected to decline as fertility levels are expected to remain low.
(* Correction: As wordings are limited, and this part is just contain 2%, Ms Christina suggested us to write only one or two reasons or prediction generally.)
From the information above, the world's population living in urban area has an overall increase in 2025 as the result of the development of rural area.
English for Social Science
Correcting Grammar Mistakes 10%
Reading Comprehension 40%
Summary Writing 20%
Graphical Interpretation 30%
Graphical Interpretation
1. Introduction 2%
- title of the chart
2. Explain each element in each chart 4%
* all must be past tense, except for forecast/prediction
3. Comparison 5%
4. Logical Reasons/ Predictions 2%
- according to Ms. Christina, as the wordings limited to around 180 words, therefore 1 or 2 general mainpoint(s) is(are) enough
5. Conclusion 2%
Grammar/ Language 10%
Organization 5%
ps: I didn't attend Mr. Christopher's lecture on week 14, so there might be some infomation have been left out. Kindly add in or comment if got any extra information.
Thank you for your cooperation.
GOOD LUCK in your final.
Correcting Grammar Mistakes 10%
Reading Comprehension 40%
Summary Writing 20%
Graphical Interpretation 30%
Graphical Interpretation
1. Introduction 2%
- title of the chart
2. Explain each element in each chart 4%
* all must be past tense, except for forecast/prediction
3. Comparison 5%
4. Logical Reasons/ Predictions 2%
- according to Ms. Christina, as the wordings limited to around 180 words, therefore 1 or 2 general mainpoint(s) is(are) enough
5. Conclusion 2%
Grammar/ Language 10%
Organization 5%
ps: I didn't attend Mr. Christopher's lecture on week 14, so there might be some infomation have been left out. Kindly add in or comment if got any extra information.
Thank you for your cooperation.
GOOD LUCK in your final.
博文 (Atom)